Globalization All Around Us!

The purpose of the website is to inform the audience about what the current term of globalization means. As well as presenting a basic idea of what the concept is, this website tries to determine what the best solution to globalization implementation is, and whether or not it should be stopped. For years, specialists have argued about the problems globalization has been creating for societies, and the advantages and disadvantages it offers. Through different research done, it can be concluded that globalization is a term that cannot be stopped, and that should be controlled in a proper manner.

Provided by Arcadia's Student University Paper

What is Globalization?

Globalization refers to the increasing relationship between countries throughout the world. The term comes as an effect of enabling societies to reduce their global barriers, and share their economy, culture, and ideas. The term was nonexistent until the beginning of the twentieth century, when communication and trade between different parts of the world became easier. Products that are made in Asian countries and then distributed to countries in America, or international companies that are funded in Europe and then established in third world countries in Africa, are good examples of the consequences of globalization. McDonald’s, HSBC Bank, and the use of the World Wide Web are others. Among the different factors that play part in increasing globalization, technology is the most essential. Without the use of technology, globalization would be practically impossible. Technology allows its users to communicate with acquaintances from around the globe in a matter of seconds, and has facilitated the breakdown of cultural and trade barriers.

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